Delegations Skills

During this module presentation, participants will learn about the art of delegation and the pitfalls and traps that leaders can fall into that keeps them from delegating effectively.  

In this training participants will:

  • Learn how to assist staff in learning and gaining new competencies.

  • Practice delegation skills.

Content Overview

Nancy:  A Case Study

Participants will read and discuss the case of Nancy, who became a manager only a short time ago.   This will prepare participants to discuss delegation and staff competencies.

The Four Functions of Management

Delegation is presented as a management skill.  The Four Functions of Management:  Planning, Organizing, Motivating, and Controlling are discussed.

To Delegate or Not to Delegate

The decision regarding what to delegate and what not to delegate can be challenging.  Participants will look at this challenge and determine how they will make it work for them.

Delegation Traps

It is easy to fall into the Delegation Traps.  Participants will become clear about how to avoid these traps or move through them quickly when needed. 

Front Loading

Do we really have the time to front load or do we save time by letting people who are new to a task simply figure it out?

Training Length: 2 hours