Partnering with Communities

This module was revised in 2017 to incorporate specific language, examples and tips for summer and year-round learning programs

During this module presentation, participants will discuss out-of-school time program connections with the neighborhoods and community in which they work. 

In this training participants will:

  • Develop skills in identifying and accessing resources within the community.
  • Identify and develop skills in helping children and youth discover more about their community.

Content Overview:

Being a Partner

Participants participate together and discuss the challenges and rewards of working in collaboration with partners.

Partnering With The Community

This activity encourages participant to look at ways to partner with the neighborhood partners, the community at large, creating linkages with community agencies and business, and getting young people involved in the community.

The Resource Road

This activity has participants spending time discussing and brainstorming different ways to specifically engage resources from community, friends, the internet, parents, and publications in the program and conversely, how to support children and youth as they engage with those same resources.

Training Length: 2 hours